Equal Rights Are My Rights

“God does not bless the marriage of gay people,” said Pope Francis.
Oh really, did God casually mention this over dinner, or was it in an angry memo?

I find it manipulating to hear people speak of “God’s Blessing” as if God has a publicist and an opinion.

When I step back and play the role of the witness who stands 10,000 feet above the situation I find it rather absurd the Catholic Church believes they are the authority on love.

Love and Catholicism seem like an oxymoron.

The word loves brings to mind the following words: light, uplifting, actions based, free, and power to.

The word Catholicism brings to mind the following: guilt, shame, institution, big business, and power over.

This idea that the love I share with Jill, my same-sex wife isn’t blessed by God is a power grab. It is unloving, it’s divisive, it’s controlling and it’s plagiarism. God never wrote a book or memo or list of rules, Man did. God is energy that flows through us. God is in everything.

God is LOVE. My life with Jill has been full of blessings. My marriage is the same, FULL of blessings from God, the universe, source energy everyday.

I have a meme to share too, it reads,
“I never said that!”

Human rights are my rights. Love is love and blessed be those who look up with appreciation.

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