You Are Only As Good As Your Tools

She whispered in my ear, “You are only as good as your tools, invest in yourself, you are worth it”. My girlfriend at the time and now wife was right.

This is the only sewing machine I have ever purchased new. It is a Saddle makers sewing machine, a Cobra class 4.

The cylinder arm allows me to sew inside the shafts and bind the tops of the Boho boots. It can sew through thick layers of leather with extremely accurate stitch lengths. I can make all the things I want to make.

It was the end of 2018, I knew this was the machine I needed to produce our Boho Boots, I had the cash but it still took me 2 months to make the purchase. This was the old me, afraid to buy new tools, afraid to spend too much. Always looking for a better deal.

No more, today I buy the tools I need to produce the work I want to make. This new mind set has elevated my career and raised my vibration.

You are only as good as your tools, invest in yourself, you are worth it. - Jill Cash

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